Follow Me Friday: Christmas Book Haul


This Christmas I received two books as a gift.
-The Secret of the Blue Trunk by Lise Dion
-Mr.  Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bool Store by Robin Sloan

I have also bought many e books this month and have a huge amazon book haul that wont arrive until the end of January that I got with my christmas money.
I will share those books in another haul.

The Secret of the Blue Trunk by Lise Dion
From Goodreads:
In this true story, Armande Martel, a young nun from Quebec, is arrested by the Germans in 1940 during a stay at her religious order s mother house in Brittany. She spends the war years in a German concentration camp. After her return to Canada, she leaves the Church, finds the love of her life in Montreal, and adopts Lise Dion.Growing up, Lise is familiar with only a few facts of her mother s past. It s when she clears her mother s small apartment after her death that Lise Dion discovers the key to the blue trunk, which was always locked. This key unlocks the mystery of Armande s early life, and Lise decides to write “The Secret of the Blue Trunk.”

Mr.  Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bool Store by Robin Sloan
From Goodreads:
Global conspiracy, complex code-breaking, young love, and the secret to eternal life — mostly set in a hole-in-the-wall San Francisco bookstore. The Great Recession shuffles Clay Jannon from his web-design drone job to night shift at Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. Curiously, few customers come in repeatedly and neverbuy. Analysis reveals astonishing secrets …

What did you get for Christmas?

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